Live, Healthy, Low Price, High Quality Feeder Insects!   1+(855) 901-BUGS.(2847)




Feeder Insects

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Bean Weevils

Bean Weevils
$14.99 or subscribe and save 5%

$14.99 or subscribe and save 5%Add to cart

Bean Weevils

Bean Weevils
$14.99 or subscribe and save 5%

Bean weevils make a great treat for poison dart frogs, smaller geckos, small chameleons, and any other critters that are a fan of micro feeders. Bean weevils are approximately 1/8″ in length.

$14.99 or subscribe and save 5%Add to cart

Cubaris Isopods

Cubaris Isopods
$21.99$419.99 or subscribe and save 5%

$21.99$419.99 or subscribe and save 5%Select options

Cubaris Isopods

Cubaris Isopods
$21.99$419.99 or subscribe and save 5%

Cubaris Isopods also make great tank janitors in naturalistic vivaria. Isopods are great for controlling mold in tarantula vivariums.

Each species comes in groups of 15+ randomly selected at all stages of life.

$21.99$419.99 or subscribe and save 5%Select options